What Are The Various Meat Labelling Terms, And What Do They Mean?

What Are The Various Meat Labelling Terms, And What Do They Mean?

People love to eat meat since it is a nutrient-dense food item. Nevertheless, have you ever wondered what does the label used in the meat mean? Well, each label of butcher meat shop in Guildford has its distinct meaning. It is the presence of these labels that vouches the specific standards followed to raise them. It consists of labels like:


The organically labelled butcher meat online means the animal’s diet in question comprises forage products or grain alone provided this proper certification. The producer can get the organic certification subject to certain conditions. For instance, the foraged product or grain of butcher shop online ordering must not contain things like:

  • Sewage sludge.
  • Synthetic fertilizers.
  • Irradiation applied.


There are certain prescribed rules for poultry meat products found in the butcher near me delivery. The chickens with a label of ‘free-range’ in the butcher market in Guildford ought to have proper access to the entire outdoors. It need not mean to be pasture. Instead, it can include a slab of concrete, gravel areas, or maybe dirt.


Chicken with this label available in butcher deliveries in Woking undergoes a specific mechanism of cooling. They ought to have 40˚F after the slaughter. The chilling of the chicken takes place in the cold-air chamber. At times, this is accomplished by blasting the same with cold air. In a sense, it does not involve the option of a cold-water bath.

Humanely Raised

This particular label found in butcher meat shop in Woking has its significance as this clearly outlines certain things about the farm that raised the animal. For example, it will give you a clear-cut indication on matters like:

  • What they’re fed.
  • Their living conditions.
  • How they are cared for.

No Antibiotics

The producers of meat found in butcher meat shop in Woking who wish to use this label ought to adhere to certain guidelines. For instance, they ought to furnish documentation that the animal in question has been ‘raised without antibiotics. Yes, no third-party testing or verification is conducted.

No Hormones

The meat with a label of “no hormones administered” available in butcher deliveries in Guildford simply means the producer has not provided any growth hormones to the animal. No third-party verification is involved in the process. All the producer needs to do is to submit all relevant documents.


Strict dietary guidelines are adhered to for using this label. These guidelines are based on the Jewish faith. Even the processing of the meat is carried out in a specific manner. Likewise, only certain kinds of cuts of meat are considered to be kosher.

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