4 Reasons To Eat More Meat

4 Reasons To Eat More Meat

Regardless of the type, meat is a polarising type of food with many critics and proponents. Despite the widespread campaign about the health risks of meat, the annual meat consumption around the world is increasing steadily. Despite all the arguments, meat is a nutrient-dense food source that can offer health benefits if selected, handled, processed, and consumed properly. This is where a good butcher meat shop in Woking becomes essential as only a local butcher can answer all of your questions about the meat you are purchasing. Besides offering butcher meat online and butcher deliveries in Woking, a butcher meat shop in Woking will even show you how to prepare your meat safely and properly.

With That in Mind, We Are Going to Take a Look at Some of the Reasons Why You Should Eat More Meat:

Protein- protein is an essential macronutrient. It fills you up more than carbohydrates and fat. If you eat lean meat and fish regularly, you can get low-calorie sources of protein. Soy and some other plants are decent sources of protein, but they are less efficient than meat. 100 grams of chicken breast can give you 27 grams of protein, while 100 grams of soy only offers 16 grams of protein. You can incorporate meat more easily in any dish and soybeans are far less versatile.

Vitamin B12- you can get vitamin B12 only from meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. This nutrient is water-soluble and important for your brain functions. Vegans often need to take vitamin B12 supplements to prevent deficiency that may cause neurological disorders, impaired brain function, weakness, and megaloblastic anaemia.

Creatine- creatine is only found in muscles and animal brains, and it is useful for greater endurance and strength. Body builders and professional athletes are often advised to consume moderate amounts of lean meat to improve their muscle strength and mass. Creatine in meat can give you improved brain functions and better physical performance.

Carnosine- carnosine is an important antioxidant in muscles that help to maintain physical performance and reduce fatigue. You can get it externally only from animal-based foods. Although our body can produce carnosine from two amino acids, beta-alanine, and histidine, you won’t get enough if you are active and are not a meat eater.

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To learn more, contact G.J. Honour and shop our wide selection of quality meats today.

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